Album Review: Announce the Apocalypse - "Experience Machine"

Tampa, Florida metal act Announce the Apocalypse released their latest album "Experience Machine" on October 1st via Sliptrick Records. 2-minute intro track, "After The Plague" builds up excitement as distant choirs, powerful guitar leads, and dramatic news samples create a complex atmosphere that grows anticipation.
"State of Nihilism" bursts out of the gate with racing thrash pacing, slamming riffage, and explosive blast beats as harsh screaming takes the forefront of the mix. Announc the Apocalypse quickly establishes strong thrash roots while also including elements of death metal and progressive metal genres with technical and melodic leads. Dynamic tempo changes further progressive influences while an unending onslaught of brutality establishes extreme metal destruction. "State of Nihilism" fades out with the news samples from the intro eventually leading to a crowd booing to close out the song.
"In The Wake" starts off with aggressive riffage that takes a more traditional technical death metal sound reminiscent of bands like Gojira, as rapid guitar chugging and bending notes create an intricate yet intensely heavy sound. After a series of soaring guitar solos, Announce The Apocalypse finishes the track with a groovy death metal riff.
The 4th song, "Dying Words" begins with dark clean guitar melodies before layering thunderous distorted guitar chords overtop of it as low singing introduces itself with distant screaming harmonies backing up the melodic vocals. Taking a slower pace, "Dying Words" furthers groove metal influences and showcases a slower but rhythmic metal sound that builds in energy as the song continues. Brutal chugging follows behind a shredding guitar solo before ending with more grooving death metal riffage.
"At The Burial" is a 2-minute interlude whose sound closely resembles its' name with a melancholy cemetery theme as distant thunder and rain hone in on the ambient soundscape.
"Without Purpose" is another shorter song with a runtime of 1:37. The track starts with a fuzzy phaser guitar that creates a grungey, stoner metal-esque sound before jumping into full band explosions. The song quickly transitions back to the psychedelic experimental fuzz sound as screaming and ominous talking samples lead into the next track.
Song 7, "Dr Draven" builds with a grooving heavy metal riff before launching into punk-influenced drum lines and bright guitar chords that bring a new sound and influence to the album so far. With a more upbeat and bright instrumental sound, Announce The Apocalypse flings their harsh screaming into the mix creating an attractive mix of punk, thrash, and heavy metal styles.
The title track, "Experience Machine" starts off with a deeply progressive sound as guitar riffs harmonize between right and left, showing extreme attention to detail in the song's mix/master. After a bright instrumental section, Announce The Apocalypse teases a heavier section as chugging slowly builds into rapid double bass drumming, rhythmic guitar chugs, and emphasized guitar lead melodies. At the 3-minute mark, "Experience Machine" debuts the first vocals of the song, adding another level of excitement to the atmosphere. Announce The Empire does an excellent job of balancing sections with no vocals that allow instrumentals to shine and showcase a progressive sound.
"Without Fear" continues the band's metal assault while including some unique elements like an announcer and crowd cheering, while the band shows off blends of death metal and progressive rock.
"Return to a Broken Reality" brings back a melancholy sound as the song reflects on the realities of society and mentions public shootings. Announce the Apocalypse expertly balances softer progressive sections that build anticipation before busting into heavier death metal sections, constantly keeping the listener on their toes and excited to hear what comes next.
Taking the 11th spot on the LP, "Forever the Pariah" starts off with upbeat and bright guitar leads backed by thumping bass lines, energetic blast beats, and double bass drumming. Melodic instrumentals create intense contrast between harsh screaming vocals, brilliantly executing powerfully catchy and destructive atmospheres.
"Upon The Riots" begins as the name would suggest, with sirens and crowd chatter implying a riot and setting the tone for the song. Announce the Apocalypse introduces a heavily thrash-reminiscent sound before catapulting into slower and more dramatic riffs that fall somewhere between heavy metal and death metal. As news broadcast samples are brought back into the mix, screaming is layered overtop creating a hectic sound that matches the theme of rioting. "Upon The Riots" ends after a final burst of infectious thrash energy, speeding its way to the track's finale.
The last song, "Simulation Evermore" is the longest track of the album, clocking in at just over 6 minutes. Announce the Apocalypse experiments with a longer format switching between groovier sections, dramatic death metal, racing thrash tempos, and even an atmospheric clean bridge with gentle pianos in the background. "Simulation Evermore" fades out with ambient screeches that provide a smooth ending to the album.
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