Album Review | "Dried Petals" - Unwelcome Soul

Track List
- Beginning
- Time, Don't Save Me
- End
- With A Dead Soul
- Waste Away
- Dried Petals
- Shells
Originating from Tenessee, Unwelcome Soul is a one-man black metal project that delves into Unwelcome Soul's personal experiences as a combat veteran. "Beginning" is an ambient introduction to the album that sets the tone before growing dissonance introduces overdriven guitar riffage.
"Time Don't Save Me" starts abruptly with racing blast beats and a raw and hectic classic black metal mix. Tremolo guitar riffs and speeding tempos are contrasted by slower sections, creating a sense of dynamics in the music. Unwelcome Soul's vocals kick in and are as raw and harsh as the instrumentals. Dissonant but melodic guitar melodies back up intense screaming and impactful drums. Clocking in at just over 6 minutes, "Time Don't Save Me" introduces the listener to the album's unrelenting black metal destruction.
"End" starts off with bright guitar leads and has a more mellow sound that develops into a thrashing harbinger of chaos. Unwelcome Soul mixes in symphonic elements with distant choirs that add another sense of melody to the unforgiving and brutal soundscapes that the band creates.
"With A Dead Soul" brings it from the start, launching out of the gate with blast beats and a rapid tempo. The song quickly slows down into a build-up with multiple guitar harmonies and ambient clean guitar melodies before throwing the listener into a breakdown and quickening up the pace with a thrash section. "With A Dead Soul" delivers a new element with ambient pads that add variety to the song.
The 5th track, "Waste Away" slows it down with a darker guitar melody and roaring industrial ambience. Unwelcome Soul brings a more melancholy soundscape and showcases another layer of depth to the album. The song soon builds into a faster-paced classic death metal groove.
The title song "Dried Petals" starts with clean guitar furthering the melancholy vibes of the previous track. Unwelcome Soul creates an emotional display of music l that soon bursts into fully-fledged black metal. Throughout the album elements of other genres are shown, such as the groovy drum sections that remind of death metal. Unwelcome Sould shows no fear of the experimental and progressive which sets apart their music from many more traditional black metal bands.
The final track, "Shells" finishes out the album with a bang, starting off with screeching distortion and dramatic syncopated guitar chords. Soon the song detonates into explosively paced thrashing extreme metal, before introducing a unique guitar effect that has a synth-like sound to it. The guitar effects and cymbal hits create an almost electronic dance beat that is unexpected and exciting, creating more variety and experimentation in the music. "Shells" fades into clean guitar before gradually making it's exit with a guitar solo.
Overall, Unwelcome Soul's "Dried Petals" is a creative and distinct take on the black metal genre. Fans of thrash, black metal, and extreme metal will enjoy a fresh style that still keeps a classic sound. You can stream "Dried Petals" out now!
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