Song Review | "A Good Line" - Metalföl

Song Review | "A Good Line" - Metalföl
Spotify Cover: Metalföl

Oregon alternative rock band, Metalföl, released their debut single "A Good Line" on May 5th. The song starts with distorted guitar and a sample of laser-sounding synths. The track comes out the gate with an immediate high level of energy, giving listeners a sense of excitement. "A Good Line" features singing vocals, strong guitar riffs, and powerful synths that all work together to create a very full atmosphere.

Metalföl seems to take inspiration from classic rock and metal and blends these inspirations with a modern style that uses synths and current production. The 3-minute track keeps a dynamic feel throughout, with a fast pace and bright instrumentals that go to create an intense mood. Fans of alternative rock, classic rock, and metal will really enjoy "A Good Line". Metalföl shows a promising display of their sound on their debut track and gives listeners an excellent example of their sound to come!

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