Song Review | "A table for one" - Midnight Circle

Song Review | "A table for one" - Midnight Circle
Spotify Cover: Midnight Circle

Originating from Gothenburg, Sweden, Midnight Circle released their latest single "A table for one" on July 7th. The track starts with reverbed guitar and soon introduces funky bass lines and dynamic guitar chugging. Gentle melodic singing joins the instrumentals creating a strong atmosphere that rapidly alternates between screaming and heavier instrumentals and singing with gentle instrumentation. Midnight Circle next leads into a huge chorus with multiple vocal tracks harmonizing and bright guitar chords that form a catchy and energetic mood.

Midnight Circle excellently switches between calm singing, screaming, and stadium-ready choruses. With a mix of different styles of metal, "A table for one" makes a distinct sound that shows a strong level of contrast between heavier and lighter sections of the song. Fans of metalcore, classic metal, and alternative rock will highly enjoy Midnight Circle. "A table for one" is available to stream now!

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