Song Review | "Ace" - Chronic

Song Review | "Ace" - Chronic
Spotify: Chronic

Sydney metal band, Chronic, starts off "Ace" with a trap beat that distorts into a heavy-hitting and bending guitar riff. Screaming and growling vocals work with the intense instrumentals to create an overall very heavy and headbang-able sound. Chronic uses guitar screeches and pitch harmonics to add to riffs, creating riffs that really fill the entire atmosphere of the song.

Near the end of "Ace," it transitions into an augmented version of the main riff with syncopated breaks adding to the fierceness of this section. A guitar solo layers on top of this before the song abruptly stops. Fans of metalcore and deathcore will very much enjoy, Chronic. With electronic elements and production added to their music, they add their own style to the genre.

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