Song Review | Ahriman By Iron Serpent

Song Review | Ahriman By Iron Serpent
Spotify: Iron Serpent

Doom/Sludge band Iron Serpent hails from the mid-west.  The initial guitar intro and buildup drums reminded me of Metallica but as the song kicked in the "Ahriman" began to have a much more sludge and doom metal sound. The vocals are growls that accentuate the instrumentals and work together to create a distinct sound. With influences from classic metal, Iron Serpent takes this and mixes it in with their own style with a much more sinister sound. The song overall has a raw and heavy sound that is filled with guitar solos and background chugging along with heavy-hitting riffs and aggressive vocals. Ahriman is an ancient evil spirit and with lyrics based around this concept the song has a very ominous feeling to it. Fans of classic metal and sludge/doom will really enjoy Iron Serpent, check them out!

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