Song Review | "Before The Sun" - Fractals

Song Review | "Before The Sun" - Fractals
Fractals - Spotify Cover

Metalcore act hailing from Arkansas, Fractals released their debut single "Before The Sun" in November of 2023. The track starts off with progressive chugging layered over top of bright guitar melodies and dramatic orchestral strings that work together to create a heavy and intensely melodic atmosphere. Explosive screaming vocals work alongside equally technical and crushing instrumentals to create an attractive metalcore style. Fractals does an excellent job of crafting a catchy singing chorus to contrast the extreme vocals used throughout most of the song.

Blending volatile breakdowns, strong vocal hooks, heavy-hitting instrumental riffage, and more, "Before The Sun" is an enticing display of what Fractals has to offer. Creating a sound that is based in melody yet retains an intense heaviness, Fractals has developed a musical style that will appeal to fans of many rock and metal genres. If you like metalcore, deathcore, or hard rock you will certainly enjoy Fractals music. You can stream "Before The Sun" out everywhere now!

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