Song Review | "Bloodthirsty" - S.H.I.V

Song Review | "Bloodthirsty" - S.H.I.V
Spotify Cover: S.H.I.V

Reigning from Dallas, S.H.I.V, released their 3rd song "Bloodthirsty" on May 12th. S.H.I.V categorizes themselves as "hardcore death" and their music is inspired by influential Russian Author, Fyodor Dostoevsky. "Bloodthirsty" has a raw and intense sound that is characteristic of death metal. With tremolo picking, pinch harmonics, double bass drumming, and extreme screaming and growling, the band creates a truly fierce hardcore sound.

S.H.I.V's 3-and-a-half-minute song is brutal and draws comparison to classic death metal bands such as Cannibal Corpse. Crashing symbols and thrash beats accentuate the heavy-hitting riffs and vocals, creating a powerful atmosphere. Fans of death metal, deathcore, and hardcore will enjoy S.H.I.V. You can stream "Bloodthirsty" now!

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