Song Review | "Byzantine Blinding" - Devine Defilement

Song Review | "Byzantine Blinding" - Devine Defilement
Spotify: Devine Defilement

Devine Defilement is a death metal band that uses multiple vocal styles such as growling, gutturals, and fry screams. The band uses these powerful vocals along with intense drumming like blast and groove beats, and brutal guitar riffs to create their sound. "Byzantine Blinding" is a track that's style reminded me of Infant Annihilator and death metal classics like Cannibal Corpse at points.

Devine Defilement keeps a classic feel and rawness to their music that fans of death metal will love but mixes in modern styles and sounds to create a fresh take on the sound. The song ends with an impressive display of high death metal vocals that shows the talent of the extreme vocals in the band. Overall this is an incredibly heavy song that fans of death metal, deathcore, and even black metal will enjoy.

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