Song Review | "Chainlinks" - Sangre

Song Review | "Chainlinks" - Sangre
Spotify Cover: Sangre

Hailing from Brooklyn, NY, Sangre just released their debut song "Chainlinks" on June 10th. The band shows the first display of their grunge/punk-influenced rock sound. "Chainlinks" come in just under 2 and a half minutes and keeps it short but sweet with an alternative sound that is brimming with energy and a dynamic punk style. Sangre uses distorted guitar riffs, groovy bass, and rapid drums to fill in the background behind the powerful vocals. The song uses spoken/sung vocals during the verses and bursts into singing, yelling, and chanting vocals during the chorus, creating a strong sense of variety.

Overall "Chainlinks" is an excellent debut track and gives listeners a great idea of what Sangre has to come. The Brooklyn band shows promising potential and fans of rock, grunge, and punk music will definitely enjoy their music. You can stream "Chainlink" now!

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