Prerelease Review | "Coffin Dweller - Exsanguination

Prerelease Review | "Coffin Dweller - Exsanguination
Cover Art - Coffin Dweller

Massachusetts band, Exsanguination, is set to release their 2nd full-length album "Burial Rites" in July with Horror Pain Gore Death Productions.  The band's track from the album, "Coffin Dweller" has an aggressive and foreboding sound. Exsanguination's 2-and-a-half-minute track seems to mix elements from thrash, black metal, and death metal. Rapid drumming, tremolo picking, and distorted, intense vocal screams create a powerful atmosphere throughout the track.

The song begins with drawn-out doom-like guitar chugs while high guitar riffs add melody to the ominous ambience of the song. "Coffin Dweller" bursts into explosive thrash pacing with technical instrumentals displaying the talent of the band. "Coffin Dweller" is an excellent sneak peek of Exsanguination's album and gives certainty that "Burial Rites" will be an energetic and altogether brutal album. Fans of thrash and black metal will really enjoy Exsanguination. Check out "Burial Rites" as soon as it releases in July! In the meantime check out the band's current music!

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