Song Review | "Deadly Virtues" - Deadly Virtues

Song Review | "Deadly Virtues" - Deadly Virtues
Song Cover - Deadly Virtues

Phoenix, Arizona metalcore band, Deadly Virtues is releasing their self-titled single on July 28th. The 5-minute track carries itself with an explosive energy, starting with aggressive guitar chugging and double bass drumming. Soaring vocals alternate with powerful screams and growls, creating a distinct and colorful atmosphere of sound. "Deadly Virtues" bursts into an anthemic chorus with a strong vocal hook and multiple layers of vocals. Heavy-hitting instrumental riffage and techniques like pinch harmonics build up anticipation and create a sound that listeners will love.

A full-minute guitar solo cuts in after the chorus and an epic session of shredding ensues showing the band's technical prowess. Fans of classic rock, metal, and metalcore will need to check out Deadly Virtues. With a clear display of sound, Deadly Virtues shows an overwhelming potential and leaves us excited to see where the band will go next.

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