Song Review | "Downfall" - Detained

Song Review | "Downfall" - Detained
Spotify Cover: Detained

Hailing from New Jersey, Detained 2021 release, "Downfall" creates a technical metalcore sound. Detained uses djenty instrumentals and an overall progressive instrumental sound along with raspy screaming vocals to create a powerful atmosphere in the verses of the song. "Downfall" has a strong chorus with bright guitar chord progressions and intermittent chugging along with screams, generating a sense of contrast within the chorus.

Detained makes a distinct style through their emotional chorus and intense verses. "Downfall" even sprinkles in a breakdown after the 2nd chorus, showing off the first growls of the song. Detained manages to use screaming, growls, and vocals, in tandem with gentler and more aggressive instrumentals to create a sense of variety throughout the song. Overall, "Downfall" is a track that masterfully mixes melody and intensity in Detained's own style. You can check out "Downfall" now!

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