Song Review | "Entombed" - KVLT LDR

Song Review | "Entombed" - KVLT LDR
Spotify Cover: KVLT LDR

KVLT LDR releases debut track, "Entombed". The solo instrumental project leans heavily into electronic and industrial metal sounds. "Entombed" starts with ominous choir effects that lead into dark synth tones and complex trap beats. KVLT LDR has no vocals yet still manages to fill the atmosphere with layers of ambient droning sounds, multiple synths with various tones, and catchy electronic drum beats.

The nearly 4-minute track does an excellent job of creating a sinister overall mood and sticking to it. KVLT LDR has created a very unique blend of genres like EDM, Industrial, and influences from metal. Fans of electronic music will really enjoy "Entombed" and KVLT LDR's debut display of their individual sound. Check out their first single now!

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