Song Review | "Blood Cargo" - Ever Snow / Bear The Cross

Song Review | "Blood Cargo" - Ever Snow / Bear The Cross
Cover Art: Ever Snow

Singer-Songwriter Ever Snow collaborated with deathcore artist Bear The Cross to release their latest single, "Blood Cargo" today. The track starts with rapid double bass drumming and heavy guitar riffage. Explosive screaming and growling join in before alternating with Ever Snow's haunting singing to create a strong contrast between the two styles of vocals. "Blood Cargo" features ominous talking over the music, creating a well-filled atmosphere.

The track even adds in an intense down-tempo breakdown that fades out for the last minute of the song. Clocking in at 3-and-a-half minutes, "Blood Cargo" blends an excellent selection of melodic singing with deathcore instrumentals and vocals. Ever Snow's latest single is truly unique and fans of melodic deathcore will enjoy "Blood Cargo". You can stream the song everywhere now!

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