Song Review | "Exhume" - Farsight

Song Review | "Exhume" - Farsight
Spotify Cover: Farsight

New York's very own metalcore outfit, Farsight, released their debut EP "Exhume" in 2021. The title track comes in just over 4-minutes and is an intense track that carries an explosive energy. "Exhume" starts with clean, reverbed guitar as heavy guitar starts building in volume. The heaviness of the instrumentals is teased before returning to the clean guitar with screaming layered over it. Farsight then bursts into growls, screaming, and brutal djenty metalcore instrumentals. "Exhume" features no clean vocals but uses gentle tones in the instruments at points to create a sense of melody.

Farsight creates an excellent blend of multiple styles to create their own blend of well-crafted metalcore. The song does an incredible job of building energy and anticipation with shifts between clean and heavy instrumentation generating a strong sense of contrast in sound. Fans of metalcore, deathcore, and djent will highly enjoy Farsight! You can stream their full EP "Exhume" now.

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