Song Review | "Find Me Through The Darkness" - Discover Tomorrow

Song Review | "Find Me Through The Darkness" - Discover Tomorrow
Spotify Cover: Discover Tomorrow

Based in Germany, Discover Tomorrow released their latest track "Find Me Through The Darkness" on May 19th. The band's alternative metal sound seems to take elements from genres such as 90's rock and grunge mixed with modern metal. Discover Tomorrow uses reverbed instrumentals to create a strong atmosphere from the beginning of the track. Soft verses filled with melody set up a building sense of contrast that leads into a huge, anthemic choruses with a powerful hook. Intense guitar chugging and bright chords fill in the background space behind the soaring vocals.

Discover Tomorrow displays not only singing but also occasional screams and growls, adding a sense of variety to the track. "Find Me Through The Darkness" is overall a very catchy and melodic song that also has a brutal side. Fans of alternative rock, alt-metal, and metalcore will highly enjoy Discover Tomorrow!

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