Song Review l “Galaxy II” - Dead Phantoms

Song Review l “Galaxy II” - Dead Phantoms
Spotify Cover: Dead Phantoms

Dead Phantoms April, 2023 release, “Galaxy II'' is a 3 minute instrumental track packed with an impressive amount of genres and styles of sound.  The track starts with energetic guitar riffage that has an aggressive tone with an almost electronic hint to the sound. Suddenly Dead Phantoms transition unexpectedly to heavily reverbed clean guitar and gentle melodies.

“Galaxy II'' does an excellent job of creating a sense of contrast between huge, energetic, djenty riffs and gentle clean guitar and electric piano. The song's gentle parts are reminiscent of lofi and form a powerful mood that is ripped away from the listener and when the dynamic guitar and bass riffs return in an explosive fashion. Dead Phantoms displays an attractive progressive instrumental sound that fans of bands like Polyphia and Gojira are sure to enjoy! You can stream “Galaxy II” everywhere now!

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