Song Review | "Gaslight" - Thrash All Nations

Song Review | "Gaslight" - Thrash All Nations
Spotify: Thrash All Nations

"Gaslight" dropped on March 20th, 2023, and is an entirely brutal song. Thrash All Nations starts with a guitar intro that quickly launches into heavy growls, screeching guitar, and choir effects. The song suddenly breaks down with the chugging becoming much more dramatic and the intensity exploding in your face. "Gaslight" moves into a huge chorus with singing and choir effects, making the layered vocals sound like many people are singing. The energy is kept throughout the chorus with fast yet melodic instrumentals.

Thrash All Nations goes heavy again before building up for the second chorus which mixes in screams and growls, varying from the first singing-only chorus. This causes a dynamic and heavy finale to the song. With a runtime of 2:35 seconds, it demands to be listened to on repeat. Fans of death metal and deathcore will love this song, check out Thrash All Nations!

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