Song Review | "S1 E1: Wild One" - Infina

Song Review | "S1 E1: Wild One" - Infina
Infina - Spotify Cover

Brand new 2024 project, Infina, released their first song of an 8-song series on April 12th. Their debut track "Wild One" starts off with electrifying distorted guitar riffage and dynamic drumming. Energetic Nu-metal rap-styled vocals fill in silences between syncopated guitar chugging. Sing-screaming vocals are layered over top of melodic guitar chords and racing drums, creating a catchy and energetic soundscape. Mixing genres like hard rock, classic metal, nu-metal, and more, Infina seems to draw a wide range of influences to create a unique sound that reminisces in classic rock/metal with a modern spin.

Clocking in at 2 and a half minutes, "Wild One" is short, powerful, and full of bold adult lyrics. After an anthemic 2nd chorus, Infina bursts into a soaring and technical guitar solo shreddage before finishing off with a finale of a chorus. Fans of classic rock/metal and nu-metal should check out Infina and stay tuned for the next 7 songs in their musical series!

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