Song Review | "Kliros of Gargoyles" - Basilica

Song Review | "Kliros of Gargoyles" - Basilica
Kilros of Gargoyles - Cover

Hailing from Milwaukee Wisconsin, Basilica, describes themselves as a post-rock/shoegaze/experimental band. Basilica's 2021 release "Kliros of Gargoyles" is an ambient track that comes in just under 5 minutes of runtime. With trap beats and clear pop/rap influences in the beat, Basilica layers multiple distorted vocal tracks to fill in the background and add melody to the song. Faint synths and echoing instrumentals create a powerful and complete atmosphere.

Basilica blends pop, electronic music, psychedelic influences, and even more in their unique blend of sound. The choppy vocals have synth effects added to them and drawn-out melodies/harmonies work together to create catchy vocal hooks that are appealing to listeners. Fans of chill music like lofi, electronica, and beats will highly enjoy "Kliros of Gargoyles". Check it out now!

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