Song Review | "Lilith's Curse" - Ever Snow

Song Review | "Lilith's Curse" - Ever Snow
Spotify: Ever Snow

Ever Snow's 2022 single, "Lilith's Curse" mixes heavy metal and singing. Ever Snow is a singer-songwriter with an impressive discography of 20 singles since the start of 2022. "Lilith's Curse" features haunting lead female vocals that add an overall creepy tone to the song. With spoken vocals and ominous laughing, Ever Snow creates a very specific feeling throughout the song.

The background instrumentals are powerful distorted guitars that are typical of heavy metal, these strong instrumentals help create a very full atmosphere. The much higher melody of the singing creates an intense contrast between the low guitar and bass, adding a lot to the song. Fans of singer-songwriter music influenced by rock and metal will really enjoy Ever Snow!

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