Song Review | "Meat Clown" - Exhalers

Song Review | "Meat Clown" - Exhalers
Spotify Cover: Exhalers

Hailing from Northern Ireland, Exhalers just released their newest single, "Meat Clown". Exhalers start with a drum intro before leading into punk/alternative rock singing vocals and distorted guitar riffs. "Meat Clown" is bursting with energy and a rebellious punk feel. The track has a powerful and dynamic chorus that is filled with bright guitar and soaring, melodic vocals. As the change back into the verse is made, the sound transitions from bright to more dark, and punk-styled guitar runs and chords. This creates an excellent sense of variation between different parts of the song.

"Meat Clown" throws in a wonderful guitar solo, that acts as a bridge and builds up for a final spirited chorus, ending the track on a strong note. Fans of alternative rock and punk rock will really enjoy Exhalers! Check out their music below!

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