Song Review | “Never Wound” - Delenda

Song Review | “Never Wound” - Delenda
Spotify Cover: Delenda

Maryland Band, Delenda, released their track “Never Wound” in November of 2022. The song starts with eerie ambience that bursts into chugging and screamed/growled vocals with an explosive drumroll. Delenda uses incredibly heavy instrumentals and vocals to create an intense atmosphere that uses higher guitar melodies and dissonance to fill in the full spectrum of sound.

“Never Wound” blends together deathcore and hardcore styles of metal in a unique fashion, featuring brutal breakdowns, a guitar solo, crashing drum cymbals and more! Delenda overall  creates a dramatically heavy sound, that is sure to get you headbanging. Fans of “core” genres and hardcore will really enjoy Delenda! Check out their November 3 song release now!

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