Song Review | "Obsidian" - Zealed

Song Review | "Obsidian" - Zealed
Spotify Cover: Zealed

Black Metal/Deathcore Project, Zealed, released their latest single "Obsidian" today (May 16th). "Obsidian" starts with a drum roll that throws the listener into rapid double bass drumming, ominous choir sound effects, and extreme vocals. The song soon introduces fast and technical guitar riffage adding to the atmosphere. Abruptly the track explodes into a breakdown with bass-boosted chugging making it hit incredibly hard. The contrast between the thrash tempo sections of the song makes the chugging, slower sections so much heavier in juxtaposition.

Fans of black metal and thrash will enjoy the impossibly fast double bass drumming and tremolo picking and deathcore fans will love the breakdowns and chugging. "Obsidian" has something for every type of metal fan, mixing the styles of faster and more intense metal in Zealed's personal style. The last minute of the track is a fierce buildup with chugging, whispering, and eventually screaming and gutturals layered with a choir to create a powerful blackened sound that closes out the song.

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