Song Review | "Paradigm Lost" - Motherwell

Song Review | "Paradigm Lost" - Motherwell
Spotify Cover: Motherwell

Metalcore from Connecticut, Motherwell creates an aggressive and brutal sound on their latest song "Paradigm Lost" which was released yesterday (May 12th). "Paradigm Lost" starts with distorted guitar chords and intricate drumming before leading into screaming and growled vocals that match the intense instrumentals. Motherwell adds screeching guitar leads, filling in the higher scope of sound before launching into an unexpected breakdown.

Motherwell's heavy riffage demands headbanging that any metalhead will enjoy. With a vocal buildup "Paradigm Lost" explodes into the most intense breakdown of the song, with bass-heavy chugging and vocal one-liners typical of hardcore. Double bass drum beats and extreme vocals are the icing on the cake, making a complete and entirely lethal downtempo section of the track. Fans of deathcore, metalcore, and hardcore will enjoy "Paradigm Lost"! You can check out Motherwell's brand-new music now!

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