Song Review | Invocación de guerra - Penuria

Song Review | Invocación de guerra - Penuria
Penuria: Logo

Black Metal Band Penuria, released their latest track, "Invocación de guerra (Summoning War)" in November. The song starts off with rapid tremolo picking and distant, reverbed screaming. With a dynamic thrash pacing, Penuria utilizes lighting-fast blast beats and guitar chugging to create a full atmosphere alongside intense screams. The song unexpectedly cuts out into a clean guitar chorus with deep singing and gently layered screams in the background. In an explosive energy shift, Penuria launches back into a galloping black metal tempo creating a strong sense of contrast.

Penuria does an excellent job of taking the classic thrashy, black metal sound and blending acoustic elements with it to create a fresh and varied sound that stays interesting throughout the 4-minute runtime. "Invocación de guerra" is out now and fans of thrash, black metal, and atmospheric metal should check out Penuria's new release! You can stream Penuria's music out now!

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