Song Review | "Revivification" - Terrestrial Animal

Song Review | "Revivification" - Terrestrial Animal
Spotify Cover: Terrestrial Animal

Terrestrial Animal, an instrumental post-rock band originating from Wilmington, NC just released their latest track, "Revivification". The 9-minute song starts with a tolling bell and ominous chanting, setting an intense mood from the start. Fuzzy guitar tones slowly fade in along with gentle drum beats, creating a progressive and almost psychedelic-influenced style of music. The riffs continue to build up as more runs and melodies are added over the rest of the music, creating multiple harmonies and a distinctly full sound. The entire mix has a vintage tape distortion over it, adding to the atmosphere and nostalgic sound of the instrumentation.

Terrestrial Animal shows off music theory knowledge and technical abilities with complicated melodies and riffs. "Revivification" takes the listener on a sonic journey through 9 minutes of progressive instrumental music that grows in energy and dynamics throughout. Fans of instrumental, progressive, and psychedelic genres will definitely enjoy Terrestrial Animal's telltale sound! You can stream "Revivification" now!

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