Song Review | "Seize the Day - Remastered - Circadia

Song Review | "Seize the Day - Remastered - Circadia
Spotify Cover: Circadia

Melodic Metalcore hailing from Texas, Circadia released the remastered version of their 2017 single "Seize the Day" on May 10, 2023. The 4-and-a-half-minute track takes the listener on an emotional journey with a powerful message—make the most of the present moment. Circadia features a hardcore/deathcore sound with thrash beats, chugging, and bright lead guitar riffs that create a strong sense of contrast with the reverb-ridden clean guitar and singing that is used later in the song.

"Seize the Day" has a brutal sound that mixes melody alongside extreme vocals and intense instrumentals to create a distinct sense of juxtaposition. The bridge transitions to clean instrumentals and gentle singing that leads back into an explosive breakdown. Circadia excellently mixes extreme metal genres with gentler music to create a well-crafted and attractive sound. Fans of Metalcore and Deathcore will love "Seize the Day"!

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