Song Review | "etterath°" - Quantifier

Song Review | "etterath°" - Quantifier
Spotify Cover: Quantifier

Hailing from New York, Quantifier just released their latest track "etterath°" on May 19th. The band labels themselves as Prog/Sludge and they definitely seem to mix ambient and intense metal elements that are typical of sludge with progressive instrumentals and singing. Technical djent riffage fills space behind growling and screaming extreme vocals. The transitions from metal vocals to the gentle singing of the chorus create a distinct contrast that makes each stand out even more to the listener.

"etterath°" has an ambient bridge that has a screeching, lofi effect, before exploding into a brutal breakdown with guitar chugs, screaming, and crashing drums. In a buildup, the song even uses a vocoder effect on the guitar before bursting into a powerful final chorus. Fans of bands like Meshuggah or any progressive metal band will really enjoy Quantifier's latest track "etterath°".

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