Song Review | "Isolation" - Dismembered Constellations

Song Review | "Isolation" - Dismembered Constellations
Isolation Cover Art

K-Rock Tha Fantom from the hip-hop group, Far From Ya Average, has collaborated with metal artist, Chiva, to bring "Isolation" to life. The 5-minute track starts with dynamic guitar riffage and powerful chugging, making an intense heavy metal sound. Blast beats and crashing cymbals work together with brutal growls to create a truly full atmosphere. The song transitions to an emotional and melodic metalcore-style chorus that generates a sense of contrast between the heavy verses and harmonic chorus. After the second chorus, a clean guitar bridge along with spoken vocals produce a regretful and melancholy mood that leads into a soaring guitar solo.

The song gradually fades out with multiple guitar harmonies and even adding in melodic humming, forming an excellent atmosphere. Fans of Metalcore, Alternative Metal, and Hard Rock will certainly enjoy "Isolation"! You can stream Dismembbered Constellations debut track on August 18th!

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