Song Review | "The Alchemist" - Queen's Falls

Song Review | "The Alchemist" - Queen's Falls
Spotify: Queen's Falls

Queen's Falls is based out of Louisville, Kentucky, and classify themselves as dream rock. This title really encapsulates their sound and the heavy focus on creating a strong atmospheric feeling in "The Alchemist". Their debut song has beautiful acoustic guitar, bass, and electric guitar solo melodies all layered behind gentle singing. All of these elements create an intently melodic sound that is very relaxing and creates a powerful ambience.

This 5:00 track picks up intensity towards the end, creating a sense of variation and buildup. The song has a wonderful guitar solo that leads into calm piano chords and acoustic guitar that fade out, into a satisfying finale. "The Alchemist" is a very soothing song that fans of psychedelic and progressive bands will really enjoy!

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