Song Review | "THIKUVIT" - Badview

Song Review | "THIKUVIT" - Badview

Maryland punk band Badview released their single "THIKUVIT" in 2021. The 3-and-a-half-minute track has an overall raw mix that blends with the chaotic punk sound that the band produces. With multiple vocal tracks of singing and screaming melded together, Badview produces a full atmosphere with instrumentals producing melody to back the vocals. "THIKUVIT" is a dynamic song from start to finish, bursting with a contagious rebellious, punk energy.

Badview keeps a sense of variety with a singing bridge and a strong vocal hook that slows down the pace of the song before leading into a guitar solo. With samples at multiple points in the song, Badview shows a sense of personality and even adds humor with laughing featured in the song's outro.   Fans of punk and bands like System of a Down will really enjoy Badview! You can stream "THIKUVIT" now!

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