Song Review | "Twilight Zone" - Sid Stratton

Song Review | "Twilight Zone" - Sid Stratton
Spotify Cover: Sid Stratton

Sid Stratton's 2022 release "Twilight Zone" is a modern cover of the 1982 hit by Dutch rock band Golden Earring. The entire track has a distinct ethereal atmosphere that takes the mood of the original track and transcends it with current music production to create a fresh and modern rock/metal take on the classic song. The track starts with dreamy synths and unorthodox electronic drum beats that seem Nine Inch Nails reminiscent. Sid Stratton does an excellent job of loading the chorus with dynamic guitar chords and riffage, backing up the powerful singing to form a truly complete and catchy chorus.

Sid Stratton played Ohio's huge rock and metal festival, Inkarceration, in mid-July and leaves fans excited for their upcoming album "From Ashes to Diamonds" which will be released in November. "Twilight Zone" will be featured on their soon-to-come album but the rest of the album remains unheard and the remainder of what to expect is shrouded in mystery. Fans of classic rock, alternative rock, and metal will definitely enjoy Sid Stratton’s current and future music! You can check out their music and social media below!

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