Song Review | "Unsterblich" - Deliver The Galaxy

Song Review | "Unsterblich" - Deliver The Galaxy
Spotify Cover: Deliver The Galaxy

Melodic death metal hailing from Germany, Deliver The Galaxy released their latest track "Unsterblich" on June 16th. The German word "Unsterblich" roughly translates to "Immortal" in English, Deliver The Galaxy uses German lyrics with intense screaming and growling vocals. The song starts with a heavy-hitting instrumental intro that sets the tone for the track. With a runtime of just under 4 minutes, "Unsterblich" keeps a brutal death metal sound that is accentuated by bright guitar melodies and atmospheric ambience that goes to develop an excellently full soundscape.

Deliver The Galaxy does a wonderful job of mixing the styles of classic metal and death metal with modern influences and melodic elements. The song even has a bridge with a reverbed clean guitar that creates a powerful mood before bursting into the song's strong chorus. Deliver The Galaxy backs up extreme vocals with guitar harmonies to create a catchy hook. Fans of melodic death metal, classic metal, and German alternative music will love Deliver The Galaxy! You can stream "Unsterblich" now!

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