Song Review | "Window" - Lines in the Sky

Song Review | "Window" - Lines in the Sky
Spotify Cover: Lines in the Sky

Nashville trio, Lines in the Sky, released their latest track "Window" on April 21st. The band mixes a progressive sound with rock/metal and even slight pop elements. The nearly 4-minute song begins with funky bass, melodic electronic bells, and ambient acoustic guitar. Vocals soon kick in with a gentle harmonic style that grows as the song continues. Strong vocal hooks and a well-layered instrumental atmosphere go to create a truly attractive sound for listeners' ears. "Window" kicks into full electric guitars and a blasting progressive rock sound, before even adding djent-inspired metal instrumentals underneath the powerfully sung vocals. Lines in the Sky leads into a hip-hop trap beat that fades out the song.

Fans of Pop artists like The Weeknd will enjoy the funky/groovy elements and nostalgic feeling the music creates and rock/metal fans will enjoy the blend of progressive instrumentals and more intense influences. You can stream "Window" now!

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