Song Review | "Beware the Bone Witch" - Ever Snow

Song Review | "Beware the Bone Witch" - Ever Snow
Spotify: Ever Snow

Ever Snow is a singer/songwriter project with powerful female vocals at the forefront of the music. "Beware the Bone Witch" uses influences from heavy metal starting with growling vocals and deathcore/metalcore guitarwork. The song shifts back and forth between heavy instrumentals and growls and eerie singing vocals and less intense instrumentals.

Ever Snow shows a diversity of sound that transcends multiple genres, even using hip-hop beats at points. "Beware the Bone Witch" goes back into the brutal heavy instrumentals and even does a "blegh" finishing off the song on a dramatic and lasting note. Fans of female lead bands, cross-genre music, and heavy metal will enjoy Ever Snow's music! Check it out!

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