Song Review | "Ghost" - Beyond All Hope

Song Review | "Ghost" - Beyond All Hope
Spotify: Beyond All Hope

Solo Artist, Beyond All Hope, has just released their 3rd single, "Ghost". The project hails from Denver, Colorado. With a runtime of nearly 4 minutes, "Ghost" mixes deathcore with djent-influenced instrumentals. Beyond All Hope features raw screams overtop of heavy-hitting riffs that utilize chugging, and screeching guitar dissonance. Eventually, the song unexpectedly transitions into a trap beat with ominous instrumentals layered behind it, leading to an intense breakdown.

The breakdown displays more extreme vocals and brings back a hint of the djent instrumentals before leading into another very short trap beat that fades the song out. Overall, "Ghost" is a very heavy song with intricate instrumentals and brutal vocals that adds inventive influences from pop/rap, to create an individual sound. Fans of Deathcore, Metalcore, and extreme metal genres will really enjoy Beyond All Hope!

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