Song Review | "Stoic" - Open Nerve

Song Review | "Stoic" - Open Nerve
Spotify Cover: Open Nerve

"Stoic" off of Open Nerve's 2022 EP "Dissonance" is a blend of nu-metal, post-hardcore, and heavy metal. The nearly 4-minute song starts with screeching dissonance and heavy-hitting riffage. Nu metal vocals that mix spoken, screaming, and singing vocals create a strong sense of variety throughout the song. With a sound that pays homage to famous acts such as Slipknot and Korn, Open Nerve mixes these influences with a modern sound and their own distinct style.

The energy-packed song is primarily heavy instrumentals but occasionally swaps to clean guitar to create a powerful mood and increase the sense of contrast between the two sounds. The track features a catchy chorus with singing and dynamic chord progressions.  Fans of the old-school nu-metal sound will highly enjoy Open Nerve's twist on the genre, you can stream "Stoic" and the band's debut EP now!

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