Song Review | "Vanity" - P.H.0

Song Review | "Vanity" - P.H.0
Spotify Cover: P.H.0

East Asian band, P.H.0 , released their debut album today! P.H.0 uses a variety of East Asian instruments such as an erhu along with modular synths, electronic music, and heavy-hitting metal guitar riffs. With a runtime of nearly 5 minutes, "Vanity" blends traditional East Asian influences with the styles of metal and cyberpunk-inspired industrial music to create a truly unique and appealing sound.

P.H.0's music is filled with moody and intricate synths, guitar chugging, and some incredible erhu melodies. Around halfway through the song, the guitars change to clean and more traditional elements are brought back, adding an element of beauty and classical sound to the song. This builds into a powerful electronic beat and synths, before exploding back into heavy metal guitar work. Fans of electronic music, heavy metal, and East Asian-influenced music will really enjoy P.H.0.!

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