
All Reviews/Articles are posted to our community of tens of thousands of music fans on our website, Instagram, and Facebook. See our full list of reviews here.

We are one of the largest independent rock & metal blogs, supporting the scene since 2021.

Music Reviews

Professional Written Content

  • Full Article Write-up - $45: (examples: written interview, upcoming tour/show promo, the story of your band, or anything else!) | example
  • Media Kit (EPK) - $35 | example 1 , example 2
  • (Spotify) Artist Bio - $30
  • The Story of (Your Band) Article - $75 (a long-format article that shares an in-depth look into the origins and history of your band. These are typically our best-performing articles and rank higher on google searches than a typical song review.) | example 1 , example 2

Marketing Campaigns

  • Press Release Campaign - $300: Our professional press release campaign to promote your new song, EP, or album release. This is a premium marketing campaign that is designed to help increase your band's exposure, internet coverage, and promote your band.

What's Included:

  • Detailed press release article that is posted to our blog and sent to you for promotion.
  • We will Pitch your song to our contacts in the #1 and #2 most popular internet radio stations in the world, among multiple other radio stations.
  • A popular Influencer in your genre will react/share your music on social media.
  • Pitch our press release to multiple blogs for coverage.
  • Add Your Music to one of our Spotify Playlists.

Disclaimer - we cannot guarantee that your song will be played on the radio or covered by publications aside from ours, but we will send them to our personal contacts with an industry-standard professional pitch.


Lyric Video + Song Review - $150

Custom Work:

Do you have any questions or need some other form of content? Feel free to ask and we will give you a price estimate. We are happy to customize our work to best fit what you need.